Domingo, 23 de nov. Pastora Arlene Clark @ 6:30PM Acompanenos para escuchar la Pastora Americana Arlene Clark, domingo 23 de nov. @ 6:30pm Una mujer ungida de Dios para predicar su Palabra! Servicio sera bilingue. Todos son bienvenidos! Lugar: Iglesia Oasis 17508 Hercules St. #8 Hesperia, CA ...
Nov. 7: Youth Home Meeting
Friday, November 7 Youth Home Meeting @ 7PM 1st Friday of every month we meet at a youth’s home. This month the meeting will be at: Jocelyn, Katie & Joan Villalobos’ Home 22181 Sioux Road Apple Valley, CA For more information, contact Esmeralda at 760-948-5260 and leave a message, someone will get back to you...
Nov. 13: Servicio de Niños
Jueves, 13 de noviembre Servicio de Niños @ 7PM No te pierdas este Servicio Infantil, dirigido por los Niños de la Iglesia Oasis. (Servicio sera bilingue). Dios usa aun los niños para ser de gran bendicion. Aqui lo esperamos! Habra sorpresas y mas…. Lugar: Iglesia Oasis 17508 Hercules St. #8 Hesperia, CA 760-948-5260 Patrocinado por la...
Nov. 20: Youth Service
Thursday, November 20 Youth Service @ 7pm Every 3rd Thursday of each month is our Youth Service. Come and join us, Praise & Worship conducted by our talented Youth, with a special message directed to our youth. This month the speaker is: Jose Morales (Esmeralda will be interpreting) Location: Iglesia Oasis 17508 Hercules St. #8 Hesperia, CA For...
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